You are reading : Dating onlineHOW TO GET TO KNOW SOMEONE ON YOOPPE’S CHAT

If you want to meet someone new and don’t know how, read the guide to discover tricks for a successful virtual flirtation

Title: “Dating Chat: If You Don’t ‘Tease’ Them, You’re Only Half Having Fun”

If you want to learn how to chat online because you need to give a strong boost to your love life but have no idea where to start, then you should know that there is a widely used approach in these cases: that of “seeking and teasing”!

Like a game – even childish – between two people who continuously exchange virtual banter and witty remarks.

It’s a well-known “technique” among singles and of great interest to all those who want to make conversations playful and “lively,” avoiding, however, falling into vulgarity – as often happens in classic flirting!

This doesn’t mean that “traditional courtship” is a thing of the past; on the contrary, it means that sometimes there are much more practical and almost foolproof techniques that help you and other women connect with a man, even if he’s not physically nearby.

So, dear woman, hold on tight because it’s time to learn how to chat effectively and to be able to say the “lively” thing at the right moment.

The Best Icebreakers to Write in a Dating Chat

It’s not easy to take the first step, but at the same time, not doing it means missing out on good opportunities. So, the ideal approach might be to dive into a conversation headfirst without being too hasty.

For example, if you’ve just come across a guy who caught your eye and you want to initiate the conversation, you could start by using some icebreaker questions. A move that allows you to reveal yourself as a mix of the “milady”, desired by all, and the “conquistadora”, the one who goes straight for her goals.

Here are some prompts to inspire you:

  • “How far are you from me?”
  • This question might seem straightforward, but remember that it’s the way you say things that makes them captivating! It’s not about asking “where are you from?” or “where did you grow up?” but about making him understand right away that his location interests you, even in view of a possible meeting.
  • “I haven’t been using this app for long… have you?”
  • A classic but not too common question! Here’s a smart way to ask him about the reason for his registration and why he started chatting with you. His answer could be very interesting as it helps you delve into the details of what he’s looking for.
  • “What do you think about…?”
  • It takes very little to open the doors of dialogue! In addition to asking about his hobbies or passions, you could try introducing considerations and anecdotes that immediately get you into the heart of the conversation. “What do you think… do you like… which one do you prefer…?”

Curiosity Keeps a Dating Chat Active

If the conversation has been going on for a few messages and is now dwindling due to his lack of initiative, it’s even more frustrating than a man who doesn’t ask questions is just a man who responds with monosyllables.

If you find yourself chatting with him but have noticed from his messages that the conversation is taking a boring turn, perhaps it’s time to take the initiative to keep the discussion alive, encouraging him to respond differently and sparking his curiosity.

Here’s what you can say to pique his curiosity:

  • “It’s been a while since I treated myself to an evening all to myself.”
  • A statement like this should pique his interest in finding out what you do when you’re alone. You could continue with “I could really use a nice neck massage” or “I’d love to lie on the couch if it weren’t so cold.”
  • “The other day, I embarrassed myself…”
  • Here’s another winning way to capture his attention! Guys love self-deprecating humor, and it’s important for a woman to know how to use it. Sharing a funny incident will make you appear genuine and self-deprecating.
  • “This is the first interesting conversation I’ve had since I signed up.”
  • Softening the blow (without exaggerating) can prove to be a good tactic to keep curiosity alive and delve deeper into the conversation. And besides, if you’re putting in so much effort to keep the conversation going, this saintly guy must have said something interesting!

And Here’s the Final Stage on a Dating Chat: THE CONQUEST

There is no formula to make him fall in love, especially if you haven’t met him yet, and it’s even less advisable to use actual love phrases with someone you don’t know.

However, there are the right phrases that will make his heart beat faster and convince him to want to know you more and more:

  • “I downloaded this app out of boredom… and now I get bored when I don’t hear from you.”
  • You’re serving it to him on a silver platter. Is there anything more to add to this phrase? I don’t think so.
  • “I don’t send sexy photos because I am sexy in person.”
  • Granted, we’re not here to preach to anyone because it’s a game we’ve all fallen into, but if you want to get to the facts, you have to go through the facts.
  • “When I chat with you, I smile to myself.”
  • He might take pleasure in imagining your smiling face when you read his messages! Be careful not to turn that statement into something overly saccharine, though.
  • “I really needed you in that moment.”
  • Make him feel indispensable even if you’ve never met. Give him the certainty that in your daily life, you think of him, and, above all, involve him in what happens to you.

Explain the various situations in your life, always referring to how and how much they could be better if he were with you. As always, make him feel “manly” but don’t overdo it.

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