In September, I’ll join the gym, resume the Spanish course I dropped after lesson three, cycle to work, avoid the lift and take the stairs, say no to cocktails and yes to smoothies, and stop being jealous of that little minx who is always hanging around that guy in the office. This list could fill the entire page. As the Americans would say: “September is the new January“, because that’s how it works. In September, more than in January, we fill our minds – and some even our diaries – with good intentions for the ‘new’ year. Let’s try to select some emotional and sexual goals.

If you are in a stable relationship…
- Fight your problem, not your partner. You can rule out not arguing as a goal, but you can shift the focus of the quarrel to the issue at hand and find a solution.
- Keep calm and… communicate in a measured way. It’s a challenging goal not to raise your voice but get used to speaking calmly. Measure your words, taking care not to go on rambles that often lead to unpleasant tirades you regret thirty seconds later.
- Have fun together. It seems obvious, but it isn’t: days pass, and weeks too. Work, routine, tiredness, the change of seasons: we are caught in a loop that makes us forget to spend time together and have fun.
- Try something new: a restaurant, a venue, a city to visit, a museum, an activity, or a sport. This allows you to enjoy a new experience together, which will become a beautiful memory in the future.

If you are single …
- Your missing puzzle piece? It’s hard to find our perfect match. Why not try to get to know people who don’t share your every interest? This could be a chance for exchange and enrichment.
- New friendships. Don’t just focus on finding love, but take the opportunity to meet new people who can become friends. And look at it this way: friends can introduce you to new people and give you the chance to meet the Right One.
- My health, above all. Never forget that you don’t owe anyone anything and what you do, you should do for yourself- whether it’s a new haircut, a tattoo or a diet.
- On my own, I’m not alone. Don’t be afraid to experience things on your own or spend time by yourself. Instead, savour the independence of choosing your own pace and patterns without having to be accountable to anyone.
- “I don’t give a damn”: be yourself without needing to conform to society’s standards. Never mind spite; it’s all just words in the wind. Listen very carefully to the people you trust and who can make you grow and improve.
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