While Halloween is a holiday celebrated by adults, Carnival is something mainly for children. But it can become the perfect opportunity to make your relationship with your partner more sexy and lively and to experiment with “sex role play”.
Sexy role-playing leads couples to explore fantasies that are not explored in their everyday lives. To introduce this game, it is necessary to talk to the partner so that you can decide together the hottest details such as the scenario, costumes, and timing. And create that expectation that ignites the passion of the couple.

If you’re short on ideas for role plays to try for Carnival, here are some tips to take inspiration from:
- Sexy Stripper: Striptease is a super classic, but we still propose it because it could be a fantasy that has not yet been realized. The role play must be well prepared in the smallest details: from the music to the lights, from the choice of lingerie to the shoes, from the drink to the dialogues with the partner, because it is precisely a role play in which you will imagine yourself in an exclusive strip club … not in a sleazy place!
- Wednesday Addams: inspired by the current Netflix series, you can reinvent a sexy version of Wednsday Addams that must not lack long black braids but also a white collar blouse. A dark but also sexy role play.
- The photographer and the model: camera in hand, soft lights: imagine yourself on a photographic set of a famous artist and let yourself be immortalized in the most sensual poses. Between one shot and the other, passion will definitely ignite with the partner and it will be impossible to continue the photo shoot.
- The fan and the star: a role play where your partner plays the actor, singer, or most loved and desired television character. You will be the fan who meets him to ask for an autograph but that meeting ends differently … If you want, you can reverse the roles and be the actress or singer.
- Hot call center: a role playing that starts first with a chat with the partner in which you pretend to be the operator of a call center with whom you start a conversation with normal tones and then turn to sexting. Communication via chat can also always happen when you are under the same roof, so as to maintain the surprise effect when a message arrives.
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