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Let’s start with some ground rules. A 40-year-old woman is not on her way out, at the end of the line, close to menopause or retirement. Above all, a single woman in her 40s is not a catty spinster who cannot find a husband and is destined to be alone. At 40, a woman may or may not want to find love. At 40, as in every year of her life, a woman is free to do as she pleases.

Of course, needs, habits and possibly interests change over the years. So let’s look at some advice for people who want to find love but are encountering difficulties.

Finding love at 40

Here are some tips for finding love at 40

Diversify your locations and the company you keep.

To boost your chances of meeting new people, you should diversify the places you frequent and the people you meet. It is better not to focus on, for example, only the workplace or the gym. You could try going to a club, bar or regular event, or you could sign up for a course or activity that may interest you, such as a wine tasting.

The right places.

Seek advice from some of your peers or contemporaries on the best clubs. Avoid the ones populated by people who are either too young or too old.

Be patient, and don’t rush.

It’s pointless to dash headlong into searching for a soulmate because you risk overloading a beautiful relationship in the making. Nor should you settle for being unhappy, because it is not true that happiness is necessarily in the company of a partner.

Be brave and take the initiative.

If you wish to meet someone, it’s best to steel yourself with courage and step forward. You need to have a proactive attitude, be in control of the situation and feel free and comfortable to accept a yes as well as a no.

Don’t waste time with what you don’t want.

At 40, a woman knows what she wants and doesn’t want, both in sex and her love life in general. So there is no point in wasting time; it is good to play it straight and be clear right away about what you don’t want.

Be yourself.

The golden rule that always applies: always be yourself, because putting on a false image today means revealing yourself to be what you are not tomorrow or worse, living a lie.

Want to meet new people but don’t know where to start? Try the Yooppe app, the online dating app loved by women.

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