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What will 2023 be like when it comes to love? After reading the horoscopes that astrologers are proposing for the coming year, here is a short summary of the 2023 horoscope on the subject of love.

horoscope 2023


For Aries, 2023 will be a liberating year as the sign will be free of Pluto, which is the planet representing fear. Aries will therefore be ready for big changes. The hardest months will be March and May. After an initial period of passion and conquest, Venus comes into play from the summer with its romance and sweetness. 


From spring, Taurus will free themselves of the insecurities that have held them back in recent times. Thanks to Venus you will be ready to seduce, attract attention and create special occasions, while from summer, with Mars in Taurus, you will find passion and energy. The best months? March and May, just in time for your birthday!


For Gemini, 2023 will also be a year full of change, both in love and in life in general. The presence of Jupiter will make you think about projects with the person next to you or, on the contrary, find alternatives. The best months for Gemini will be March and June, with a summer full of passion.


Cancer people are free from the judgements of others and plough their own furrow. Thanks to the return of Saturn, 2023 will be the time to reconnect with people you have lost touch with. How about tracking down that match you haven’t heard from in a while? The best months for Cancer will be March and July. 


2023 will be an important, hectic, decisive year for the Leo, the lion which will roar once again. Various opportunities will arise in both your private and working life. Don’t miss out! The best months for Leo will be February, May and August.


In 2023, the Virgo will find themselves at a crossroads. The time has come to ask yourself what you really want and consequently make important choices. 


It will be a lucky year for Libra, who will have the opportunity to experience and find love. Libra will become more independent and enterprising. The best months for Libra will be March and June.


It will be a challenging but equally rich and beautiful year. Scorpio never forgets, which is why it struggles to see any good in the future. But this will change in 2023 and there may be an opportunity to meet a great love. The best months for Scorpio will be March and May.


In 2023, Sagittarius will need to find themselves and rebalance their spaces. For stable couples, it could be an opportunity to plan for the future, maybe a trip or buying a house. The best months for Sagittarius are February, June and December.


In 2023 Capricorn will focus their attention on the quality of life, not everything has to be perfect, the latest fashion, but it has to make them feel good. Ready to change for the better, thanks also to the passage of Jupiter that gives that extra courage to dare. The best months are January, May and November. 


It will also be the year of change for Aquarius. Without destroying what has been built, but fixing or refreshing it. From March to July, Pluto transits through Aquarius and this could lead to some destabilisation. Good months for Aquarius will be February, May and November. 


In 2023, Pisces will find a new awareness and self-confidence. After several years in a stalemate, Pisces is ready to make a great start again. The best months will be March, May and December.

What’s your star sign And what one is your match? Try asking them, start a stellar conversation on Yooppe. 

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