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The daily routine, full-time return to the office, social distractions and evening tiredness take
their toll on a couple. Among all the tips to keep a couple’s passion alive, we offer you the 2-
2-2 rule, which simply helps us arrange romantic occasions to unplug and reconnect. You
don’t need sudden urges, which fizzle and burn out like a firework, but a regular commitment
not to stop ‘having a date’ with your partner, even years later.

The 2-2-2 rule, suggested by a user of the American site Reddit, is straightforward:

  • Every fortnight, go out to dinner,
  • Every two months, have a romantic weekend,
  • Every two years, spend a week together.

The third one might seem trivial, but not for people with children… It’s a sort of honeymoon
every two years, budget permitting! For childless couples, it could be ‘a unique or luxury
experience’ or ‘a week in a new place to explore together’, because venturing somewhere
unknown can strengthen a couple’s bond.

regola 2-2-2

A date, whether a dinner or a weekend, creates anticipation and expectations. It is a way to
dedicate time to your relationship, talk at leisure and try new experiences.

Of course, this rule can be adapted to the couple’s needs. You could try 1-2-3: a dinner once
a month (for your wallet’s benefit!), a weekend every other month and a dream holiday every
third year.

Another rule, discovered on a US forum, is the 33 rule: three hours a week exclusively for yourself and three hours to spend uninterrupted with your partner. Again, this may seem trivial, but try to think of the last time your routine followed the 33 rule.

The crux of any rule is for the couple to carve out times to share experiences and memories.
Daily routine can cloud our memories and plunges everyone – single or couples – into the
vicious circle of ‘every day being the same as the next’. Come on, pull yourself together, get
out of your daily routine and start planning a lovely dinner for the weekend!

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