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A picture is worth a thousand words. It sounds like a cliché, but it’s true. When you meet someone in person, the first impression is based on how they look and what attracts you to them. The same goes for social media or online dating sites, where your profile picture is your business card to show yourself to people who don’t know you.

It’s a real Personal Branding job, where you are the brand and your image is modulated according to the purpose for which it’s used. Let’s try to understand how to improve your profile photo so that there are more opportunities to meet someone.

styling tip profile photo

Wardrobe Change

Summer is here, the weather is warm, and your profile photo shows you in ski gear or with a scarf, hat, and gloves? Just like in real life, your profile should reflect the current season. So, give it a refresh with a more spring-like, sunny photo that conveys the desire to go outside. But wait to post photos in a bikini, white beaches, and ocean expanses, which you can post when it’s actually summer. After the holidays, you can keep the vacation photos, but then the tan fades quickly… In autumn, opt for photos with more autumnal colors that reflect the desire for home, couch, and cuddles.

The Right Look

Your look in the photo communicates a lot and should reflect your personality. Putting on your Sunday best when you’re wearing leggings and a tracksuit during the week provides a false image of yourself. Look for a good compromise that highlights elegance and personality. As nature teaches us with flowers, bright colors attract attention, but you must feel comfortable with those tones because not everyone likes bright red, fuchsia, or electric blue…

No Fakes

Once it was said that lies have short legs. It’s a saying that still holds because the truth eventually comes out… So, your photo shouldn’t show who you’re not beyond the smartphone camera. Your “digital self” should reflect your real personality and values. Perhaps you’ve succumbed to a filter that smoothes you a bit, okay, that’s fine… but if the person in the photo only vaguely resembles you, it’s time to go back to the original photo. Otherwise, you’re slipping into catfishing.

Wardrobe Change

Summer is here, the weather is warm, and your profile photo shows you in ski gear or with a scarf, hat, and gloves? Just like in real life, your profile should reflect the current season. So, give it a refresh with a more spring-like, sunny photo that conveys the desire to go outside. But wait to post photos in a bikini, white beaches, and ocean expanses, which you can post when it’s actually summer. After the holidays, you can keep the vacation photos, but then the tan fades quickly… In autumn, opt for photos with more autumnal colors that reflect the desire for home, couch, and cuddles.

Positive Vibes

Profile photos should convey positive emotions, sympathy, confidence, and esteem. A photo that communicates sadness, anger, or envy can generate curiosity, but not a real interest in getting to know that person better. Instead, you can try a shot where you have a more sensual look.

The Right Angle

If the photo you choose is a half-body or full-body shot, the advice is to shift your weight to one leg and not stand straight like a soldier. The right angle is about 45 degrees, so that you’re not directly in front of the camera but slightly off-center.

Other tips we can give you are:

  • avoid a single photo so that it doesn’t look suspicious that it’s a fake;
  • try to avoid stars, hearts, and emojis that honestly look very ‘boomer’ trying to tinker with their phone;
  • avoid photos with ‘pieces’ of other people. Even if it’s the perfect photo, but you’ve cut it out, and the shoulder of the person next to you is visible, it’s not the right shot for your profile;
  • Show off but without exaggerating because it’s not an Onlyfans profile…
  • Choose a photo that gives an idea of your interests: a book, a glass of wine, an animal, a sport, or a practical hobby. It’s a way to tell a little bit more about yourself with an image.

Ready to freshen up your profile? On Yooppe, there are thousands of people waiting to see your shots and start new conversations.

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