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All Articles > The Benefits of a Kiss: Why Kissing Is Good for Your Health

Sweet, passionate, fleeting, intense, stolen, desired, melancholic: there are countless types
of the quintessential gesture of love, the kiss. And there are also numerous benefits of a kiss, a
simple yet, at the same time, complex action. When we share a kiss, we activate 146
muscles, including 112 postural muscles and 34 facial muscles. It’s a good physical exercise
that helps keep the skin on the face toned and elastic.

kiss benefits

But the benefits of a kiss don’t end there. Let’s see why kissing is good for us!

  1. Boosts the immune system. With a passionate kiss lasting 10 seconds, we exchange about 80 million bacteria with our partner. It may not sound like a benefit, right? In fact, we might feel like keeping our mouths tightly shut… but it actually stimulates the immune system to produce new antibodies.
  2. More kisses, less stress. Kissing reduces the stress hormone cortisol and increases serotonin and endorphins, responsible for good mood and well-being, oxytocin, which strengthens the bond with the partner, and dopamine, which stimulates pleasure.
  3. A boon for the mouth. A kiss increases saliva production, promoting better dental hygiene and maintaining healthy teeth and gums.
  4. Gives an extra boost to blood circulation. During a kiss, blood vessels dilate, increasing blood flow and lowering blood pressure. Thanks to the production of adrenaline, heart rate increases, leading to a greater flow of blood to the brain. 
  5. Strengthens the bond with the partner. Kissing is a pleasant and significant action in a relationship because it reinforces affection and love for the partner.
  6. A hidden message. A kiss is a powerful form of non-verbal communication that can express affection, passion, tenderness, or even anger. Sometimes, words are not needed; a kiss is enough. 
  7. Increases sexual desire. A kiss is often the prelude to a moment of intimacy. According to a study published in the journal Evolutionary Psychology, French kisses transmit testosterone to female partners, contributing to an increase in sexual desire.

Lips are equipped with numerous nerve endings, making them sensitive to touch and stimulation. A kiss, through the movement of lips, tongue, skin, and facial muscles, triggers a cascade of impulses that the brain interprets and transforms into sensations. This releases hormones that can influence thoughts, mood, and the relationship with the partner. Even taste buds, touch, and smell, involved in a kiss, play an important role as they can explore the actual chemistry between two people.

Why do we want another kiss immediately after one? And another one after that? Chemistry is at play here too because there is a medical explanation for why one kiss leads to another… Thanks to oxytocin, the love hormone, and dopamine, the pleasure neurotransmitter, we are driven to repeat this sweet action that brings us pleasure.

And if an apple a day keeps the doctor away, how many kisses do we need then? According to a British study, we would need at least five, but fortunately, there is no overdose!!

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