All I want for Xmas is you: 10 Christmas-themed icebreakers

icebreaker natale

Lights, decorations, presents: the Christmas season is full of good feelings, sweet thoughts
and a lot of romance. But with all this ‘love energy’, how are you at dealing with a possible
match? Has your brain gone haywire and do you feel dry-mouthed like you’ve just eaten ten
Christmas cinnamon biscuits? Would you like to write something cute, funny, romantic but
your mobile phone screen is snow white?

Don’t panic. Take a cue from these 10 Christmas-themed icebreakers.

christmas icebreaker

1. All I want for Xmas is you

The song ‘All I want for Xmas is you’ by Mariah Carey is definitely among the great
classics and, despite coming out almost 30 years ago, everyone knows it, even
young people. If your match is slow to respond, drop some more hints and keep
going with the lyrics: I don’t want a lot for Christmas and again There is just one thing
I need.

2. Christmas with your family but what are you doing on Boxing Day?

With a message like that, you are walking a tightrope between respect for family
traditions and a mischievous invitation for the next day, when people usually relax.

3. Boring dinner with my parents… want to add some spice?

With an icebreaker like this, the intention is to create a ‘parallel world’ to your family
lunch or dinner. Chatting with your match will make the time go by more quickly…
You could be criticised for a lack of politeness and companionship, yes, but aunts
and uncles glued to their mobile phones are not like me either! Don’t overdo it,
though, with the time spent on your mobile phone….

4. What is the worst present you received this year? Do you want to know mine?

You must have received something that even if it was free you wouldn’t have taken it.
With this icebreaker, you don’t have to be argumentative but ironic and joke about
gifts received but also those given.

5. What is the best present you received as a child?

Sparking childhood memories is a good game to play with your match. It’s the start of
a conversation about games that you played as a child and that now perhaps no
longer exist or have changed.

6. What is your secret Christmas recipe? Do you fancy making it together?

A food-themed icebreaker, which will get you talking about traditional foods, recipes
and your tastes… so you’re already ready for a dinner together!

7. What’s the Christmas song you would play all year round?

Talking about music is always a good plan, because comparing musical tastes is a
way of understanding whether your musical tastes meet or clash.

8. Blanket, sofa and hot chocolate: my ideal day. What’s yours?

This icebreaker stimulates the imagination of your match picturing you in that
romantic situation. It can be the start of a conversation about what you are doing at
that moment, a kind of real-life role playing.

9. Shall we watch ‘Trading Places’ together?

Let’s say it’s a kind of simultaneous Binge Watching – Xmas Edition. You and your
match are in each other’s homes, on the sofa, and – mobile phone in hand –
commenting on the classic film they show on Christmas Night. Of course you can
change the title of the film and choose one on a streaming platform. It will be fun to
comment together, because it will make you feel close however distant.

10. New Year Resolutions 2023: to get to know you better

Set your sights on the future, on the year to come and on the desire to get to know
and perhaps meet your match. A message like this is bound to be well received
because you make the other person feel awaited and wanted.

Here, these are the 10 Christmas-themed icebreakers for meeting new people on the
Yooppe app. Download Yooppe and try them today!

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