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We briefly explain what to do and what not to do to meet a man online: useful anecdotes to remember in case your intention is to make him fall in love with you right away.

To meet a man online and conquer him, be sincere

Speak openly and show yourself determined in his eyes. 9 out of 10 men love to be with a confident and transparent woman, so be yourself and immediately lay your cards on the table about what you truly want from a relationship or acquaintance.

Honesty is the foundation of every important relationship and will avoid creating initial confusion and misunderstandings. Start off on the right foot!

To meet a man online and conquer him, don’t ghost him

You have pending deadlines at work. Friends who “stress” you to go out and organize that night out you’ve postponed so many times. Your brother/sister who asks you to drop by after work to chat and have something to eat together.

And an infinity of other things…
With all these commitments, your phone has gone into more of a frenzy than you!

Amidst all this, where did you leave your “significant other”?
Probably, buried in notifications from 2 days ago…

(Well, perhaps you’ve already gathered that disappearing for 2 days wasn’t very nice.)

Ghosting is never a good idea… Try to show respect by responding to messages, even if you’re not interested or too busy.

Communication is essential to avoid misunderstandings, so avoid this practice if you don’t want to weaken trust and hurt others’ feelings.

And then… it’s often said: “If someone really wants something, they’ll find the time.

Would you like it if it happened to you?

To meet a man online and conquer him, be independent

With independence, we don’t mean sending him a photo of your banknotes as soon as he tries to act like a “big shot” or brag about how economically wealthy he is… (even though doing so would be a true alpha woman move, like “move out of the way”).

By independence, we mean showing yourself confident in his eyes and making him understand that you don’t need a man to be “complete” because the fact that you’re seeking to start a new relationship is only to build something beautiful and share future projects with someone, not because you feel lonely or incomplete!

This will make him understand that he’s dealing with a determined woman who knows exactly what she wants and won’t settle for just anyone.

Be independent; this is a plus point to capture his attention. It will make him attracted to your strength and your ability to be alone.

To meet a man online and conquer him, don’t play games

Meeting a man online and conquering him? Have you ever thought about sexting?

Finally, to meet a man online and conquer him, create the right conditions!

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